domenica 20 novembre 2016


Archangel's Heart by NALINI SINGH
Serie: Guild Hunter #9 

One of the most vicious archangels in the world has disappeared. No one knows if Lijuan is dead or has chosen to Sleep the long sleep of an immortal. But with her lands falling into chaos under a rising tide of vampiric bloodlust, a mysterious and ancient order of angels known as the Luminata calls the entire Cadre together to discuss the fate of her territory. Accompanying her archangelic lover Raphael to the Luminata compound, guild hunter-turned-angel Elena senses that all is not as it seems. Secrets echo from within the stone walls of the compound, and the deeper Elena goes, the uglier the darkness. But neither Raphael nor Elena is ready for the brutal truths hidden within—truths that will change everything Elena thinks she knows about who she is… Nothing will ever be the same again.
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* * * * Trama tradotta personalmente * * * *
Uno dei più malvagi arcangeli del mondo è scomparso. Nessuno sa se Lijuan sia morta o se abbia scelto di Dormire il lungo sonno di un immortale. Ma le sue terre sono cadute preda del caos sotto una crescente ondata di sete di sangue vampirica, un misterioso e antico ordine di angeli conosciuti come i Luminata convocano l'intero Quadro per discutere il destino del suo territorio. Accompagnando il suo amante arcangelo Raphael nella base dei Luminata, la cacciatrice della corporazione trasformata in angelo Elena percepisce che non tutto è come sembra. L'eco dei segreti fra le mura di pietra della struttura e più in profondità si spinge Elena più le tenebre sono minacciose. Ma né Raphael né Elena sono pronti per la brutale verità nascosta tra le verità che cambierà ogni cosa Elena pensa di sapere su sé stessa. Niente sarà più lo stesso.

Raphael caught the change in her mood, glanced over "What amuses you?"
"Why do you sound so suspicious?"
"Because your favorite things are sharp and draw blood."
"Funny, Archangel."
Laughing beacause he was guilty of feeding her addicion to the most beautiful blades, she said, "We're holding hands. I never held hands with anyone before you, and when we first got together, I never thought we ever would." He'd been so hard, so dangerous.
"In this, Elena, I too, was a virgin". His fingers tightened on hers, his wings outlined with a glow that would've terrified her once. 

Raphael's response was silent, his wing brushing hers as he ...
The damn archangel had dusted her.
Glittering, sparkly stuff stuck to her, delicious beyond compare when she parted her mouth and it licked onto her tongue. "This is not funny!" She glared at him even as arousal flooded her system, but he was laughing too hard to care.
Her hert, it just stopped.
Even now, the Archangel of New York rarely laughed and never like this.

We can talk to Dmitri later, she sent to Raphael, slinding her hands up the ridges and valleys of his chest. Let's go upstairs to our suite.
She tried to ignore that pointed cough that held a biting amysement.
Raphael's lips smiled against hers. I think my second has other ideas.

“Because you are his heart, Elena. A man with his heart torn out is a broken creature. I know.”


“I accepted being a damn damsel in distress for you. You can be the hunky archangel in distress for once.” 

“I’m a fucking hunter, and I’m the fucking consort to the Archangel of New York.”   

📖 Archangel's Heart by NALINI SINGH