mercoledì 28 novembre 2018


Ladies and Gentlemen,

In ritardo, perché oggi è mercoledì.

Anyway, an extract. Perfetta ed in linea con quello che penso. Come conquistare una ragazza a cui tieni.

“Try to think like a man. […] Be her friend. Talk to her. Find out what books she reads […] Speaking of books, I can tell you something specific about her […]Lorna Sterling. She writes paranormal romances. Andrea loves her with unholy love. She has a stack of her books under her desk at work. She’s missing numbers four and six.”
Raphael pulled a pen out of his backpack and scribbled on his forearm. “Lorna?”
“Sterling. Books four and six. Andrea’s been haunting that bookstore on the corner for weeks looking for them.” The pen vanished into Raphael’s backpack.
Magic Strikes